Minimum Requirements
Below are the Minimum Requirements to Apply to be an Outside Lineman:
You must be 18 years old;
And have a valid driver’s license, and be physically fit.
You will be required to pass an aptitude test;
And then appear before an interviewing committee.
You will be required to pass a drug test;
And a background check and review of your driving record will be conducted.
Upon acceptance you will be required to pass a DOT physical;
And a Drug Screening test.
with air brake endorsement and “M” endorsement (if residing in the State of New York)
You must learn to climb proficiently.
You must be willing to work away from home;
Anywhere within your local union jurisdiction, and NEAT’s 10 state jurisdiction.
You should like the outdoors.
You must be able to function as part of a highly skilled team;
And be dependent on each other for safety and achievement.
You should like working with your head and your hands
The work is hazardous and strenuous.
You should have the right attitude in order to complete your training program.
(Once in this work for a year, virtually all apprentices say they are enthusiastic about the work and would not do any other kind of work.)
You must obtain Internet access.